Thursday, 28 February 2013

Vladimir Propps Characters

Most characters in film are influenced by a single theory, and these are The Seven Character Types of Vladimir Propp. Most narratives conform with this theory, including our practical production.The roles of Propps characters can distributed around a films cast, with some characters serving as multiple roles. Below is a list of Propps character types which correspond with the characters in our practical production.

THE HERO: The hero of our film is protagonist Luke Denton, Propp proclaims that the hero is either a victim of events, or a seeker of a righteous objective. Denton tends to lean towards the 'victim' side of things, as he is trapped in a brutal battle, and aims to evacuate. Seeing the horrors of war all around him, the audience sympathises with Denton's struggle, thus making him an eligble hero.

THE DONOR: Joseph Andrews is a character who fits multiple roles, one of which is the donor.The donor prepares the hero, and gives him an object of use. The object Andrews gives to Denton as aid is information, information about extracting the battle via helicopters, thus giving Denton the tool with which to fulfill his objective; knowledge.

THE DISPATCHER: Andrews also fits the role of dispatcher. Andrews conforms to this by carrying out the traditional role of dispatcher by telling Denton that orders are to evacuate the field, thus dispatching him on his quest to reach the evac zone.

THE VILLAIN: There are no real villains in our film in the traditional sense of 'evil', as we do not intend to take sides in the Vietnam conflict, just depict the struggle of two soldiers who happen to be American. This does not mean we support the actions of the U.S Army in Vietnam, or condemn those of the Vietcong. But, considering the definiton of Propp's 'villain' is someone or something who struggles against the hero, the Vietcong faction assume the 'villain' role for us.

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